19 matching profiles

Honorary faculty

Our Honorary Faculty are the clinical leaders of their Academy, bringing their expertise and experience, alongside an enthusiasm and drive to improve services and outcomes for people living with a neurological condition. The voluntary role includes bringing new ideas into their Academy, building on and developing new educational content, creating programmes and selecting speakers for our range of educational events.

Collette Haslam Clinical nurse specialist in Uro-Neurology
Ruth Stross Head of nursing, Neurology Academy & neurology specialist nurse
Sue Thomas Independent healthcare consultant & PPV member, NHSE neurology transformation CRG


Our Faculty members are experts in their chosen condition and have often – although not always – been involved with an Academy as a delegate and speaker as well. They often speak at courses, events and webinars, but have additional input into the direction and content of their Academy's educational vision, including providing advice and support around MasterClass programme content.

Prof Jalesh Panicker Consultant neurologist


Our speakers are experts in their fields or those with specific experience of a particular topic. They may present at a MasterClass, webinar, or other events and courses, or may deliver a videocast. Many of our speakers are MasterClass alumni, further developing both a clinical network and the Academy's collegiate feel.

Tréa Baker Lead urology and continence nurse
Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability, Roehampton
Ian Beckley Consultant urological surgeon
Nicholas Boxall Consultant urological surgeon and spinal injuries urologist
Joan Bradley Lead MS and rehabilitation specialist nurse,
Concetta Brugaletta Clinical nurse specialist
Dearbhla Dempsey Senior occupational therapist
Prof Anton Emmanuel Consultant gastroenterologist
Sharon Gill Lead nurse for neuro-urology
Altaf Mangera Consultant urologist with a specialist interest in neuro-urology
Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Prof Siva Nair Consultant neurologist
Dr Sheilagh Reid Consultant urological surgeon
Liam Rice MS specialist nurse
Natalia Vasquez Physiotherapist
Ann Yates Director of continence services